National Mobile Registries

Helping governments regulate imports & boost revenues

Enhance your control & increase ROI.

Hayo’s National Mobile Registry (NMR) solution helps African governments to regulate imports, ensuring a controlled entry process for goods. The solution identifies and addresses illegal imports, facilitating tax enforcement and boosting tax revenue from imported devices.

NMR also aids governments in identifying false device prices, preventing fraud and eliminating counterfeit devices. It monitors and enhances control over imports and tax collection, leading to increased revenue that can be reinvested into local communities.

Tax Collection Through NMR

Hayo sits in the middle of governments and mobile operators to accurately monitor mobile devices and digital taxation requirements. Our NMR architecture contains a device map powered by GSMA, a legal framework for importation within the platform, and registration of personal devices.


A user enters a new country. They get a text message on their mobile saying “Welcome to {Country Name}. You have 60 days to use your phone without customs. If you are here for longer than 60 days, you must pay a customs fee via this link.”

Users can make this payment instantly via the mobile link, or go into physical kiosks to make the payment. If they do not make it within 60 days, the Hayo NMR system will pick it up and block their IMEI. This block request is then sent to all Hayo’s partner MNOs in the country, so none of them will service that phone. Then once the user pays the customs, or exits the borders, their phone will work as normal again.

  • Population 213,000,000
  • % of Customers 5%
  • Total Customers 10,650,000
  • Device Price Average $140
  • VAT% 7.5%
  • Total VAT Collected $111,825,000


Increase then VAT and Income customs from $2M/Y to $11M/Y

  • Illegal Importation
  • Legal Importation

The above diagrams contain estimated figures for tax collection, following the implementation on 5% of the total population of a particular African country.

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across Africa, the Middle East & around the world

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